Our Teaching Collective
Liz Lark
The Yoga House is honoured to have Liz Lark share her 20 years of experience as a Yoga teacher.
Liz's passion for Yoga developed in 1990, studying as a teacher with the British Wheel of Yoga (1992), and exploring Astanga Vinyasa Yoga, a dynamic, dance-like style which led her to India and Crete through the 1990's.
She has been teaching yoga for almost 20 years, developing from a British Wheel of Yoga Hatha Teacher Trainingfoundation, to Astanga Vinyasa Yoga; practising in mid 90’s under Derek Ireland.
Her inspiration comes from the Astanga Vinyasa tradition and other Hatha yoga practises.
Liz adapts yoga postures for each individual in order to ‘chisel' into the form and helps sculpt and free each unique body. A member of Yoga Alliance USA and British Wheel of Yoga, she is also a board member for The Life Centre Teachers Training Course, and runs retreats and workshops nationally and internationally.
Her Thai Yoga Massage training in Chieng Mei has informed her hands- on adjustments; which Liz teaches along with Creative Sequencing, for the London Teachers Training Course www.yogacampus.com, on which she’s a board member.